Vivocity / Ah-Gong Hse
Saturday - Went to Vivocity after the St John meeting. It's freaking crowded coz everyone is rushing down to witness the buzz. And the TRAFFIC JAM started the moment u exit ECP to Keppel Rd. I've nv seen such a long Q of cars q-ing to get into a new shopping centre. If so many went Vivo, means other shopping centre sure vv empty lor...
Anyway, only 60% of the shops were opened. Official opening of Vivocity will be 1 Dec 2006. So pple who haben been there, take ur time, some shops are even slated to open onli in Jan 07. There's Topshop, Espirit, Warehouse, Bata, Watson, Guardian, Giant etc etc (Sounds like any ol' SC in Sg) I muz say there's nothing VV interesting, although the sheer interior size is enuf to win any others hands, feet, body down.

Vivo ain't big... it's GIGANTIC
Crikey... This croc is BIG
Some more interesting stuff were the small shop by Cold Storage that sells superbly fresh imported food stuff. So fresh and makes u salivate at the sight of it. *Beware saliva cannot touch computer*
Veges never looked more tasty... SO COLOURFUL!!!
And there was this apple which is so damn big, like half the size of my face. Couldn't take a comparison shot, but pls try to compare it with the pear (which appears puny) beside it and note that it costs a whooping $15.90 per apple!!! Imported from Japan, the land of rising prices.
HB verhemently refused to take photos for me AND the apples...
HB had Carls' Jr for the first time and complained that the burgers were too expensive before he saw the sheer size of it. With attempts to make the meal as neat as possible, we later proceeded to Toys 'r' Us to enjoy the megastore of childhood dreams.
Me & Geoffrey at the entrance (Zi pai one okie, got skill sia)
Hanbin with his eternal fascination with Transformers
After the crazy walking around, we unknowingly walked back to Habourfront and reached this BIG Superstore (its called Big) and bought a garment steamer + fan at discounted rate. Laziness prevails!!! I love at the garment steamer!!!
Sunday - My Ah-Gong is finally discharged and back home. After numerous pleas by my aunties and mum, my uncles decided to employ a personal maid to take care of my maternal grandfather. My Ah-Gong went home on Saturday and my uncles threw a homecoming party at his place on Sunday. My Ah-Gong so happy when he saw so many pple visiting him, makes him the Homecoming King...
Wiebber was at his Sunday's best, wore the 2 yrs old girl toddler OP crossback tee to visit my Ah-Gong too. Somehow, he knew he had to be gentle and went slowly to my grandfather's side to lick his fingers. Well, Wiebber's the STAR, as usual, which caused jealousy from my uncle's crazy Chihuahua ' Giogio'.
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